Embedded Pi
Embedded Pi es una plataforma triple para Raspberry Pi, Arduino y ARM 32 bits. Permite operar como bridge entre Arduino y Raspberry.
COD: N67W2379
Peso: 0.100 Kg
Disponibilidad: En Stock
ARS 98875.00
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What is Embedded Pi?
Embedded Pi is a triple-play platform for Raspberry Pi, Arduino™ and 32-bit embedded ARM. Blending all three communities together, Embedded Pi helps you to get the most out of each platform. The Embedded Pi is based on the STMicroelectronics STM32F103RB MCU, and can operate as a bridge between Raspberry Pi and Arduino™ shields and in standalone mode as a Cortex-M3 evaluation board.
Depending on the jumper placement on the Embedded Pi, you can select each of the three modes of operation:
STM32/Standalone Mode
The Embedded Pi works as an Arduino™ form-factor compatible mother board where the STM32 controls the Arduino™ shields directly without the use of Raspberry Pi.
ST-Adapter Mode
The STM32 controls the Arduino™ shields, and the Raspberry Pi works as the GUI or command line console to send commands/data to and receive data from the STM32.
Ras-Pi Mode
The Embedded Pi works as a hardware connection bridge between Raspberry Pi and Arduino™ shields, allowing the Raspberry Pi to interface directly with existing Arduino™ shields.
Key Features
Provides Raspberry Pi with easy access to abundant Arduino™ shields.
- Compatible with both 5V and 3.3V Arduino™ shields, selectable with jumpers
- Hundreds of Arduino™ shields available on the market enhance the control capability of Raspberry Pi, e.g. to control Motor, sensors, etc.
Brings 32-bit ARM MCU into the world of Arduino.
- 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F103RB MCU operating at 72MHz, with 128KB Flash, 20KB RAM, motor control, USB, and CAN
- Hundreds of Arduino™ shields available on the market with extremely portable drivers provided or to be shared by CooCox and CoFans
- A complete set of FREE CooCox tools for ARM development
- A common footprint next to Arduino™ footprint for connection with expansion daughter cards which will be developed by CooCox
- Raspberry Pi and the STM32 MCU can work independently or in conjunction with each other to control the Arduino™ shields or other accessories.
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