
IIC/I2C 2004 LCD module/blue screen/provide library file for Arduino

IIC/I2C 2004 LCD module/blue screen/provide library file for Arduino

Display LCD 20x4, comunicación I2C. Dirección I2C: 0X3F


Peso: 0.076 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 15714.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento


 An LCD display that can display a max of 20x4 characters. With the help of the I2C bus converter and related libraried, you can easily use this module with just 2 wires.

An LCD display that can display a max of 16x2 charactors. with the help of the I2C bus convertor and related libraried, you can easily use this module with just 2 wires.

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